Burton Cookbook

After finishing my first cookbook I decided to make another and I decided to use foods taken from various Tim Burton films. All the recipes are my own and I have yet to finish this cook book.

Mr. Breakfast from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
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Meat Pie from Sweeney Todd

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Peach Drink from James and the Giant Peach
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Lemonade from Edward Scissorhands
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Shishkabobs from Edward Scissorhands
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Ambrosia Salad from Edwar Scissorhands
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Drink Me (Pishalver)
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Eat Me (Upelkuchen
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Frog Breaths Soup from The Nightmare Before Christmas
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Blueberry Pie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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Squimberry Tart from Alice in Wonderland
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